Here are all the cheats I managed to squeeze into my latest game Star Wars rogue squadron. They're nothing special, really, but they'll help you out if you're finding it too hard and lots of people were asking for them. So:
DARTHJARJAR- Infinite shield
HELPMEOBIWAN- Shield recharge mode
ITSTOOQUIET- Infinite seismic charges
TWELVEPARSECS- Checkpoint skip
THEREISNOTRY- Super weak shield
GROOVYEWOK- Disco mode
YT1300HYPERDRIVE- Debug mode
4HAN7OMM3N8CE- Tank2Tank's mode (don't ask ... oh and thats a zero in the code by the way, not a letter O.)
Also, entering HUNKOFJUNK activates a cheat which was supposed to slow down the speed of your ship during ring sequences, but I couldn't get this to work in time.
Nice cheats! Now make Stupid Mario Bros 3!