A lot of people have been asking me things like- when's stupid mario bros 3 coming out? It's been nearly a year since a last one! Keep the homer voices / Don't keep the homer voices
So I think it's time to reveal all. I started work on Stupid Mario Bros 3 in July. I have most of it planned out. But I haven't been working on it much because there are other things that I'd rather work on AT THE MOMENT. So I'm not setting a deadline, but I'm pretty sure I can get it done by the end of the year. OK?
What I'm concentrating on right now is a Star Wars game based on the Rogue Squadron series. Fanboys won't be disappointed.
And one more thing, why did none of you watch Insane Radioactive Bastards? I was working on that thing for ages!
Oh, and finally, just in case you don't believe I'm working on Stupid Mario 3, have a screenshot!
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